Building Influence Through a Personal Brand

While a company’s voice is crucial and capable of leaving its mark on the world, the personal touch that you, the business owner or thought leader, bring to the table is incomparable. You need your own voice, one that offers expertise and insight that only you have. Great brands do allow us to connect with…

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Find What’s Working and Double Down

double down, thrive marketing

More often than not, business owners reach out to me for advice and are looking for a completely new lead generation source. They are searching for some new marketing miracle or technology that will drive new clients to their business.  But one of the first questions I ask after learning more about your vision is,…

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Plan to Meet Your Goals: Not Someone Else’s


Something I’ve learned during hundreds of consultations with business owners and business leaders is that, not surprisingly, everyone’s business goals are vastly different. The alarming thing I discovered is that so many marketing consultants are not truly asking and helping define the goals of their clients. If a business owner is simply setting forth with…

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